Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Blogger versus WordPress


I've integrated several Blogger blogs into web sites and found it pretty easy to modify a standard template to how I wanted it. It helps a lot if you choose a template that has a similar layout to what you want.

The blog shows a Blogger blog fully integrated into a web site, but just changing the Scribe template. I just added my header and links to the top of the template, moved a few things about and it looks totally different and fully integrated. Anybody who knows HTML and CSS to a reasonably level would have no problems.

I've recently set up a blog for someone on WordPress. It would appear that to change things as radically as I have done with the example, would mean that I have to pay money.

So I would always choose Blogger over WordPress, if I wanted to integrate a blog.

Note that you have the problem that once you've created a large blog, it is a devil's own job to move it.

It is also a good idea to store the created blog on a domain for which you have control, so that if you have to move it, you at least have the HTML.

I shall investigate the other blog sites, to see if any others are better.

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