Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Royal VIP Casino in Antigua


Antigua is a nice place, but I won't be going, as the Royal VIP Casino or Royal Euro Casino is turning out to be one of the biggest polluters of the Internet with masses and masses of spam.

The casino may be perfectly legal in Antigua, but it is a pain in the arse.

If you take the last few days I've received the following numbers of e-mails inviting me to hand over my hard-earned money.

Saturday 10th February - 94
Sunday 11th February - 224
Monday 12th February - 337
Tuesday 13th February - 290
Wednesday 14th February - 0
Thursday 15th February - 105
Friday 16th February - 240

Did they forget to send them on Wednesday?

Update - On the 17th February I got 545 of the wretched things or a total of 1741 for Sunday to Saturday. This was just over 3.5% of the total number of spam messages I received in the week.

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