Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Thursday, April 26, 2007


I've had 210 messages so far advertising this site. All were spam.

When I click them Prevx says that the site contains spyware of a malicious nature.

The company seems to have been around for some time and looks fairly legitimate, but I would suspend my use of this company until they sort out the spam problem.

I've also found this post on McAffe. So perhaps stay away.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait just aminute...if this is asking questions about I can tell you anything you want to know. It started in San Diego by a young handicapped woman in 1999 and 2000 added a writer MJM that stood for ME JUST ME and EJE that stood for the originator EVE JUST EVE. Eve did all of the graphics, music and work, MJM did most of the poetry, EJE also did the recipes, MJM & EJE for three years worked from midnite to 8 a.m. when everyone else woke up and was on line. WHY DO I know this? I was MJM, I still am. DO I still write poems? YES and books about small dogs and traveling cats. "MJM" poet for

Thursday, June 26, 2008 3:55:00 am  
Blogger James Miller said...

What I got was spam as certified by McAffee. It may have purported to have come from that site. Such is the evil of spam.

If you're from the States you only have to blame your government.

Thursday, June 26, 2008 7:03:00 am  

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