Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Friday, December 05, 2008

Juliet Zuma



One out of five!



Attention: Dear James Miller,

You may be surprised to receive this strange letter from me. I am Mrs. Juliet Zuma, the wife of Mr. John Zuma of Zimbabwe . I got your address from an internet web site. After due consideration from your profile, I became aware and assured of your credibility to help my family.

My husband was among the rich black farmers in Zimbabwe who were murdered in cold blood by the agent of the ruling government of president Robert Mugabe because my husband was against the method adopted by the government on new land reform act that wholly affected the white farmers in Zimbabwe. Before the Invasion, my husband took me to South Africa as if he foresaw the looming danger in Zimbabwe and deposited US$11,400,000.00 (Eleven million, four hundred thousand US dollars) with a security and financial company in South Africa . Please verify the information I have given you on this web site: This money was for buying farm lands in Lesotho , Swaziland , and also machinery for the farm.

Heads of government from western world, especially Britain and the U.S.A, have voiced their condemnation against Mugabe's new land reform act. It is against this background that my family has mandated me to seek assistance to transfer this money to a foreign account for investment purposes. Presently, I am residing in South Africa as an asylum seeker. However, I cannot invest this money here in South Africa because Zimbabwe and South Africa are close countries and have almost the same political history.

And with the financial laws of South Africa , as an asylum seeker, I have no right to own or open a bank account in my name here in South Africa . From the above, you can understand that my entire life and family's future depends on this money. I shall be grateful if you can assist me transfer this money out of South Africa into your company or personal account for investment purposes as my next of kin and my late husband's business partner.

Please note that this transaction is 100% risk free, and for your effort, I am prepared to offer you 20% of the total sum. Also, I have decided to use 5% of this money to settle any expenses you may incure during the process of this transfer. The balance I intended to invest in a profitable venture in your country or anywhere you may advice. The major thing I expect from you is absolute assurance that this money will be safe when transferred to your account. But if you don't want me to offer you 20% what will be your percentage for assisting us?

If this proposal is accepted by you, please reply urgently through my private Email address ( for security reason and get in touch with my son Mr. Kanga Zuma through his phone +27-787760404 so that he will then furnish you with more details. I will appreciate if you maintain the confidentiality of this matter because of the happenings in my country - Zimbabwe .

Yours sincerely
Mrs. Juliet Zuma.

Important Notes :-

1. Whatever you do, do not respond to any e-mail like this. If you have given bank details to any fraudster like this, then inform your bank immediately and also make sure that you close the account.

2. If the e-mail mentions a well known e-mail address such as from,, etc., then why not forward the offending e-mail to, etc. Hopefully, they'll remove the e-mail address, which will stop people being sucked in.



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