Here We Go Again
Ignore it!
It is registered in China. Funny I thought Athens was either in Greece or the States.
In the last nine hours, I've had 297 of the blessed messages.
Labels: fraud
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006Here We Go Again Ignore it! It is registered in China. Funny I thought Athens was either in Greece or the States. In the last nine hours, I've had 297 of the blessed messages. Labels: fraud Monday, October 30, 2006Tax Discs On Line Generally the system works well, but we had terrible problems today in that the site was very busy. So does that mean that the general public is embracing Internet purchase of Vehicle Licences? Labels: general, Government, techniques Sunday, October 29, 2006The Spam Goes On ![]() Note how since August the levels of spam have gone up by over sixty percent. We are losing the battle. Labels: spam Friday, October 27, 2006Amazon and Phishing I wrote to Barclays and they didn't even reply. For Amazon I get only one or two fraudulent e-mails every month. Perhaps this is because Amazon take this type of fraud very seriously and are prepared to turn up and talk about it on the radio. Wednesday, October 25, 2006President Putin has Dead The e-mails point to a site selling fruit drinks. Very strange. Labels: general Getting to the Top in Google I always use Google Webmaster Tools to check why your site is being found in Google. Have a look every day and see the changes. If the company is in the news see if this changes the pattern. Think, analyse and write it all down. Also find a search in Google that finds the company on the second or so page. Make sure it's not company specific, by using the company name or a product. Then track how the position of this search goes up and down. In my opinion, there is only one thing that gets your web site to the top of the lists. And that is good solid content, which is constantly being added to. Does the company have a news page which it updates daily? Or does it let the site grow old and mouldy like a sandwich in the fridge? As you will see elsewhere in this letter, I've been using blogs integrated into the site as news pages. They are also great ways of generating traffic. Think of all those words, that Google can index. So does your CEO, Support Department or whoever run a blog. Remember though that paying for position in Google, is much the same as feeding a drug habit. When you withdraw, the site's life goes quickly downhill. Labels: Google Tuesday, October 24, 2006The World's Least Professional Scammer PayPal Case PP-X26-928-08 Account Security Measures Notification. All have the heading and are addressed to the same e-mail address. That in itself should make anybody with a modicum of common sense realise that this is a scam. The fact that they can't spell October is another clue. So he's not very bright. The web site that the e-mails point to is based in Virginia. Isn't that in the Land of the Free. Or should I say the Land of the Free to Scam and Spam? Update - Just as quick as they came, the messages have now stopped. The last one was at 20:25, yesterday. Labels: spam Monday, October 23, 2006Vonage You may ask why. The reason is that I found it impossible to get the system working with a standard NetGear router, when I changed it. Support was non-existent, so I felt the best thing to do would be to cut my losses. And they had a cancellation charge of £23.99. That stinks! Labels: techniques, Vonage BT Digital Vault It seems that the Internet is growing fast in what it can do for you. Labels: BT, techniques Text Messages From Web Pages Note how you can send me a text message by typing it into the page and then clicking send. This is based on LiquidDrop technology. They are a Cambridge based E-Mail to SMS company. Labels: techniques Integrating Google Use that and the results of the search will be shown in a similar format as my web site. All you have to do, is register with Google, update a few default settings and then copy the generated code into your web site. Yet another case of Google providing a powerful engine for web developers. Labels: Google, techniques Sunday, October 22, 2006Pure H20 Inc. "PURE H2O INC (PURH) I have no idea whether this stock is worth anything, as I would never buy anything that is so unprofessionally promoted. 1. All of the sixteen e-mails came to addresses at, that had been made up. This probably means that some crook at some point generated a list of e-mails at my web site and then sold them on. 2. So whoever paid to have this message distributed paid for it to be sent to quite a few non-existent people. Perhaps the two of them should meet and explain this to each other. A court might be a good place to see who is the biggest crook. 3. Note that there is no unsubscribe address. Probably a good thing, as with many of this type of message, it only confirms that you exist. 4. This e-mail was sent to That is it was sent to someone in the UK. Me! Was that a waste of time? Yes! It is no wonder that the rest of the world is getting fed up with America if one of the things it does is to send messages like this around the world to clog the Internet. Labels: fraud How Not To Navigate a Web Site All this is good. However, the same can't be said for the website. Try finding out quickly what film is on and the navigation is crap. Well it's actually worse than that, but I can't use a suitable word in a decent web site. Their old site was so much better. So I go say to the Guardian which has an excellent film finder. Labels: techniques Thoughts on Integrated Blogs I put up a post and then searched for it using the Blogger search facility. The post appeared in the search after only 56 seconds. I tried it again and it took longer, but it still appeared very quickly. This must be because every time you post, Blogger searches and indexes your post. I've also checked and Blogger doesn't add these results to Google. But how long before it adds them immediately to the main Google index? And the other results it gets from posts and searches in YouTube! It is much quicker to index something that is presented to you on a plate, rather than search pages and pages of information that may not have changed. So it would appear that if you want a quick reaction to news and updates you post on your web site, then you should use something like Blogger and integrate it fully into your web site. There is also the fact that if the blog is stored on your web site, that every time it is updated, then Google itself, will find more pages to integrate, with new words describing your products and services. Will this take you to a higher position in Google? Monday, October 16, 2006YouTube and Marketing I have invented a post puller that is a simple example, where showing a video should sell the product, as it is quite a difficult concept to explain on the flat page as it would need a whole series of still images. As to whether it gets stolen, I'm not actually bothered, as in the largest markets, I would have patent protection and there are plenty of lawyers who'll tackle copyists on a no-win no-fee basis. My wife and son are both lawyers, too! Supposing that YouTube became the place of choice where any instructional video was placed. Let's say you sell laser printers! A ten minute video can show a lot of how it works, how you install it and how you do simple servicing and change cartridges. As YouTube can be integrated into your site, it doesn't matter whether anybody finds it on YouTube or not. Just look at blogs. They started as something nerdy and fairly pointless. Now they are serious. It's not surprising that Google bought Blogger a few years ago now. Perhaps, we will say they got a bargain with YouTube in a couple of years. Labels: general Saturday, October 14, 2006News and the Integrated Blog 1. It has the same navigation bar and menu as the main site. 2. Colours and feel is the same. 3. The blog is updated using Blogger in the same way as any other blog. 4. It is stored on the Making the Most of the Internet web site. So how was this achived? The blog was originally created in the same way as a normal blog and it was stored in a sub-directory of the Making the Most of the Internet web site. One of the standard templates called Scribe was originally used, although it has since been extensively modified. The main page of the blog was put in the menu of the site. This meant that the blog was called directly from any of the pages in the web site. The template of the blog was then gradually changed. Typically changes were :- 1. The main site style sheet was used. 2. The background was changed to the same as the main site. 3. The header was modified so that it included the standard site header. 4. The site was then gradually adjusted until it resembled the one you see now. Was it difficult? Yes and no! If you don't know style sheets and html, then don't attempt it, but if you do with patience you should be able to do the integration in a few hours. But I would make sure you save the template before modifying it. Labels: blogging, techniques Friday, October 13, 2006E-Mails to Multiple Recipients It is a very bad idea to give all the recipients, all of the other e-mail addresses. One might be a spammer or more likely have a virus that distributes all of those addresses to one. ![]() Use the Bcc or Blind Copy field for the multiple e-mail addresses and put yourself in the To field. This protects everybody’s e-mail address. Note how the e-mail addresses are separated by semi-colons (;) in the figure above. Note that if you are sending e-mails to the same set of recipients on a regular basis, then you can define a distribution list in e-mail programs such as Outlook. Labels: techniques Tuesday, October 10, 2006Bronsard Advantage - Part 2 Registrant ID: CNEU-140925 Registrant Name: Clyde Johnson Registrant Address1: 175 West 200 South Registrant City: Salt Lake City Registrant State/Province: Utah Registrant Postal Code: 84101 Registrant Country: United States Registrant Country Code: US Registrant Phone Number: +1.8014131026 Registrant Email: Phoning the number gets a modem and I'll be interested to see what an e-mail brings. The phone number on the web site is unobtainable. So don't even bother to phone it. And when you are asked to fill in your details, they want your bank details too. Are people really that gullible? I hope not. Update - No reply from the e-mail. I hope Clyde is getting well and truly swamped. Labels: fraud Sunday, October 08, 2006Bronsard Advantage Ignore them. By the way the domain is registered in Salt Lake City. Labels: fraud Is Barclays Serious About Fighting Phishing Scams? ![]() The graph shows all bank phishing scams I have received from the 5th of May until the 7th of October to about ten different web domain names. Blue are messages supposedly from Barclays and the other banks with significant attacks are also shown. 1. As you can see from the graph, phishing scams are increasing in number, rather than decreasing. 2. Barclays now constitute over ninety percent of the phishing messages that I receive and this share has been increasing in recent weeks. 3. Seven of the receiving domains are .com’s so I would hope I’d get a share of messages for foreign banks. I don’t! So have US and Continental banks got a grip on phishing. 4. Bank of Scotland was targeted for several weeks. They stopped on the 9th September and have not resumed. This behaviour has also been seen with the Co-operative Bank, NatWest and Nationwide. I suspect that they may have stopped the problem. 5. I wrote to the Chief Executive of Barclays, John Varley, explaining what I had found and didn’t even get the courtesy of a reply. I can only assume that either I am being specifically targeted, in the mistaken belief that I have a Barclays account or Barclays are indifferent to security. Note that I would never open an on-line account with Barclays, until they convinced me they had solved the problem of phishing. A note is now available for downloading and distribution which gives full details. Feel free to read and distribute as you require. Friday, October 06, 2006Israel Relocates to China Looks like another Norway Consulting Group. Ignore it and don't buy anything Chinese where there is an alternative. Labels: fraud Thursday, October 05, 2006Printing Postage On-Line Good Features 1. The ability to print as many times as needed. I have a rather old laser, that isn’t too smart and sometimes jams with envelopes. 2. The e-mails that say you’ve posted. Not exactly a proof of posting, but good enough for many purposes. Did I actually post that letter? When did I send it? 3. The general structure of the site, which means you get the address right. Bugs 1. Sometimes I have tried several times to submit a label/stamp and it tells me to try later. I’ve been persistent and not failed, but would put many off. 2. It did confuse my return address with a line in the recipient’s address. Not repeated since. Could have been finger trouble, but doubt it. 3. When you print a label/stamp to say Ireland, it returns to print another overseas stamp. Should return to the general print again. 4. I sent a letter to a company with their own postcode – Dyson Ltd. The system wanted me to put a house name, flat number etc. in. In the end I entered Dyson Ltd. as a building name. 5. There is no place when sending to a business to enter the job title. Requested Features 1. A simpler interface so I don’t have to click so many times to print a First Class label/stamp. Look at Amazon’s One Click approach. 2. Saved recipients so if you send a lot of letters to the same person, you login and print. 3. The ability to cut and paste an address from Outlook, bypassing the address checker. I can understand that this might not be easy, but I have written a lot of software that decodes names and addresses and extracts the post code. 4. The ability to upload a list of names and addresses and then print them on labels. Why not allow people to update their Christmas card lists in this way? You shouldn’t lose them like we all do. 5. The timeout is too short. It should also remember you when you return. 6. A small point is that I always address letters to Ireland as Eire. This may be wrong, but I can’t change it. Summary I'll give it about eight out of ten for now. Labels: Royal Mail, techniques Monday, October 02, 2006On-Line Gambling in the US The Chinese have made it illegal to look at pornographic Internet sites like the BBC and Amnesty International. Do the Chinese look at them? Of course! They just use a proxy web site or some clever software. So those in the US will continue to gamble on-line. They'll just have to use different methods. For instance, people will setup bogus transactions to places like the UK, to transfer money to a trusted individual or company, who will then load the money into their account for a fee. How for instance would you know that a PayPal transaction to me of a $1,000 for software services, was actually a payment for an on-line casino? I'd have no problem, as I'd just declare the payment and the corresponding outgoing one to the Inland Revenue as to what it really was. It's perfectly legal here. There might be a problem delivering significant winnings back to the US, but then I'm a cynic who doesn't think on-line casinos ever pay out. So just like Canute couldn't stop the tides, the US authorities will not be able to stop on-line gambling. All they'll do is benefit offshore companies and crooks. Labels: gambling |