Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Are Alliance and Leicester the New Barclays?


Last week I got 4395 phishing e-mails for Barclays. That's just over 700 a day!

This week, since Sunday, I've had 128, 5, 2 and none.

At about six on Sunday morning someone put the boot in to the crooks who were sending this stuff. A lot of all bank phishing has now disappeared, with the average last week at 900 a day and this week so far at 240. Let's hope there are some nice people in a jail somewhere. I will not speculate, but judging by most of the countries where this evil rubbish comes from, I doubt that it will be as pleasant as a guest of Her Majesty.

Now though most of the scams are aimed at customers of the Alliance and Leicester.

It's funny but why are most scams aimed at British banks?

I certainly would never bank on-line with anybody that featured in my databases. Most seem indifferent to scams, with one or two notable exceptions, who strangely hardly feature at all.

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