Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Monday, July 16, 2007

HSBC Goes Green


It's a scam.

Green Option for current accounts

Why not do your bit and help the environment by Going Green with an HSBC current account?

HSBC is committed to finding ways of reducing its impact on the environment through saving paper and the energy used to produce, transport and dispose of it.
Going Green with an HSBC current account is all about doing your everyday banking, but in ways that do not impact the environment, through the removal of unnecessary paper.

It's based on a Hong Kong web site.


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

In his country (UK) HSBC stands for 'High Street Banking Co'
but in reality it stands for ' Hong Kong & Shanghi Banking Corp' all one and the same company.

Thursday, August 16, 2007 8:33:00 pm  

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