Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Monday, August 20, 2007



I've not got much idea what this is about. Go to the web site and it doesn't say much, using the sort of bland words and rubbish that you get with most Internet scams. The only way to get more information seems to be to register.

It's just that I got this e-mail from someone local to me from a spammer, robot or something like that.

Do you wish to Play 4 Profits? It would be surprising if you didn’t – all of us want to create profits from our endeavours to enjoy the good things in life.

Created by an established British company with a great track record of innovation, expansion and pay-outs, both these featured businesses are set to be the front runners in the business Opportunity/MLM/Network Marketing sector.

For further information, please visit : - or

Good luck and best wishes

As I said the address was local and it didn't take me long to find out about the name and address given at the bottom of the e-mail.

So I sent them the following letter.


I don’t know what sort of scam you may be promoting by sending scam e-mails, but I thought I had better tell you, that I take invasions of my privacy by spam seriously.

I’ve enclosed the e-mail I received on Saturday.

You will notice that it is from, which is the sort of e-mail address generated by robots, spammers, criminals and crooks.

Can you please explain how your name is at the bottom?

If I do not receive a sensible explanation, the e-mail will be passed to the Information Commissioner, who take this type of abuse very seriously.

By the way, I did look at the website recommended in the e-mail. I couldn’t really understand it, but it seemed to have all the vague hallmarks of a scam to remove mugs from their money. I would not be stupid enough to join such a scheme and I have put the original e-mail and my reply on my blog.

James Miller

P.S. I do not use Remove at the bottom of e-mails, as this only confirms to the spammers, that I exist.

It'll be interesting to see what sort of response I get.



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