Making the Most of the Internet - Blog


Saturday, August 09, 2008

Patrick Chan - 2


Fraud. He still keeps sending his crap.

One out of five!

My dear friend,

This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind; but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility. I am Mr.Patrick Chan director of operations of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd. I have a obscured business suggestion for you of $24,500,000USD.SEND REPLY TO MY PRIVATE I will update you with further information as soon as I hear positively from you.
Mr. Patrick Chan

Important Notes :-

1. Whatever you do, do not respond to any e-mail like this. If you have given bank details to any fraudster like this, then inform your bank immediately and also make sure that you close the account.

2. If the e-mail mentions a well known e-mail address such as from,, etc., then why not forward the offending e-mail to, etc. Hopefully, they'll remove the e-mail address, which will stop people being sucked in.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Chan, estafador de los grandes, pretende embaucar a la gente diciendo que debe sacar de su país una suma varias veces millonaria y que para ello se debe abrir una cuenta internacional en un "banco" que el determina y envia el nombre y apellido de quien debe ser contactado a tal efecto. El mencionado contacto envía formularios (apócrifos por supuesto) y el costo de cada una de las cuentas posibles. En concreto si uno envía los euros correspondientes a esa apertura, esta enviando el dinero que "alimentara" a Patrick y su secuaz.
Juan Carlos Pertiaga. Argentina

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 3:50:00 am  

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