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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mona Khalil


Fraud. A God-Tosser

One out of five.



I am writing you this letter with caurage and fear within me. I am Mona Khalil, I am of Algerian nationality and I live in Iraq. I am a young woman of 22 yrs old. I have learnt to believe in myself and in nobody else, to face the furure with pride to prove the best i can.

I wanted a person with a big heart ready to take decisions for me. I have lived in Irag for a very long time with my parents. And my father was working with Docteur Aquila Al-Hashimi who was an adviser to the ex-president of Irag Sadam Hussien on petroleum and Agriculture. My father received gunshots from the attack which led to her death five days after in the hospital.
When he was about giving up the ghost, he informed me of the sum of $14.000.000 (fourteen milion dollars) which he kept in a safe box and deposited with a diplomatic delivery company in Cote D'Ivoire where he took as his second home. And the documents that proves this deposit was in his wardrope in the room which is with me now. Then he advised me to sick for a good person that will help me to claim this box from the security company since my mother was having a serious injury during the gunshots.My father died on the 23 July 2006.The deposit certificate of this box does not contain any name of somebody as the beneficiary but only my father's name as the depositor.

It was indicated that the box be delivered by the company to the adresse of the foreign partner via diplomatic means. And i felt that it is by the grace of Allah that i got an occasion to leave Irag and i decided to keep this document within me. I therefore contacted the company to verify the existence of this box and they confirmed this to me but was deposited for onward delivery to the designated address of the foreign associate. And since i cannot claim this box myself. I am seeking your asistance to contact this security company and apply for the delivery of this box to your country.

I have the deposit certificate and agreement certificate, i am ready to send to you this documents in line with the contact of the security company so that you might contact them and apply for the delivery of this boxin your Country for me. You will apply as the foreign associate to my late father and when you have received this box, you will then arrange for my arival into your country and as well establish another life for myself. You should understand that this transaction should be kept within us as secret, because if the family of my late father's boss happens to know this, they will definately do bad to me. Presently, i am here in Africa in Cote D'Ivoire where this box was deposited. And it was after the death of my father i left Irag.
I am totally frustrated that my whole mind for now lies on my survival which is securing this money. Please I am confiding completely in you and I really need your assistance at this point of my life as you alone knows of this venture.You have no problem with the company, all you need is to contact the company and present the documents. On your request i will forward to you copies of my personal pictures and passport for your view while I will expect to have yours in return.

Please remember the security company did not know the contain of the box and my father deposited it as family valuable items in their custody. For your commision, i have set aside, 30% of the total sum as your commision and 70% will be for me.

Should this deal interest you please do write me quickly to enable me give you the contact of the company and the deposit slip so that you will contact the security company for the box.
Thanks and Almighty and Merciful Allah Be with you.
Sincerely Yours
Mona Khalil.



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